Jan 7Liked by Lewis Ungit

Thank-you for exposing the occult---the devil's playground-- lurking beneath so-called secularism. Beneath 'scientific' materialism is ancient pagan Atomism:

"The Greek Atomist Epicurus (341-270 BC) is the father of contemporary scientific materialism. The principle tenet of Atomism teaches that the world was not created by any deity, or with any design, but came about by a chance movement of physical atoms of various sizes and magnitude that cemented together and so formed the world.

The world and everything in it were not created but instead the accidental emergent or evolved products of a great cosmic event (exploding Cosmic Egg/Big Bang) that spontaneously generated animated physical matter from nothing. This way of thinking excludes everything unseen, such as the human soul, mind, angels and demons, and holds that humans are aggregates of physical matter in motion in a human form and the human mind an active principle of grey matter.

This ancient pagan way of thinking forms the basis of the materialist psychology of Sigmund Freud, Darwin's evolutionary conception, modern evolutionary biology, secular humanism, secular trans-humanism and Marxist quasi-pantheist and animist dialectical materialism.

Though modern materialism originated in the metaphysics of ancient Ionians and Stoics during the sixth century BC it was the Atomists (Leucippus/Democritus, 460-357 BC; Epicurus, 342-270 BC; and Lucretius, 96-55 BC) who methodically developed Atomism, the root and source of modern scientific evolutionary materialism." The Modern Pagan and Pantheist Antithesis of the Word of God

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As someone has said, worship is not a matter of "whether" but "what".

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Great article and insights! Thank you.

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