A group of my friends sat in the dark candle-lit room with their fingers on the Ouija Board planchette. The creepy attic setting heightened the tingle of fear I think we all shared as they tried to conjure a spirit. Disturbing answers followed. Was there a spirit in the room? The board said, yes. Was it a good spirit or a bad spirit? The spirit said bad. After a few more questions like that, one of the girls got freaked out, turned on the lights, and the experience was over. Later, we debated if one of the kids was intentionally guiding the planchette or not. The materialist in me concluded that it had to be the case. But today, I wonder. It is certainly possible that it was one of the kids guiding it. But I am also much more open to the idea that other entities interact with our world. And I am much more disturbed by the idea of a group of kids in a candle lit attic trying to contact them.
Compare this experience to that of kids playing Monopoly in the family living room. From an external perspective there are many similarities. Both have a board. Both include lettering and pieces being moved around. Both have kids surrounding a table. But we all see the obvious difference. Unless you are a hardcore atheist, kids sitting around attempting to conjure spirits is in a different category than kids sitting around trying to build hotels on Boardwalk and Park Place.
It is this parallel that I had in mind as I started to write about the subject of Artificial Intelligence. Imagine one person sitting and playing the video game Pac-man. You click on the arrows and the little yellow shape works its way around the course avoiding ghosts and collecting fruit. Now imagine another person sitting at a computer and typing in a prompt such as: ‘write me a poem about recovering from grief,’ and the computer then responds with a beautiful poem that makes him cry. Both of these situations have the appearance of being the same. Both are a man at a computer hitting keys that lead to results. The question at hand is if they belong in the same category (such as Monopoly and Sorry!) or if they belong in different categories (such as Monopoly and Ouija).
On the surface, this question is ridiculous. All programs are simply directions that however elegantly designed are no more conscious than a long 'choose your own adventure' book. I've written on how consciousness can't come from a computer. With that being said, consciousness can't come from the Ouija board either. The question is not whether the physical things - the board, the planchette, the circuit board, the monitor or the keyboard - are supernatural. The question is whether physical things manipulated the right way can conjure non-physical things.
When a witch gathers together the eye of newt, toe of frog, fur of bat and tongue of dog, and places them in her cauldron while chanting ancient incantations, it will not do to say, “None of those things are magical. The eye of newt came from a dead lizard. The toe of the frog came from a frog in the pond, and the bat fur is from a flying mammal, and the tongue came from her own dead dog. Therefore nothing supernatural is happening here.” Magic is more than its component parts.
Now, of course, it is a completely fair question as to whether magic or the occult are real things. If you are an atheist your answer is probably no. And many Christians, while on paper believing some of it might be real, in practice also agree that whether it is a Ouija Board, a witch in the forest, or an AI, no supernatural thing is happening.
And I once would have classified myself in this category. But then I wrote ‘The Return of the Dragon’, a book about what happens when people take psychedelics. And in writing that book, I realized that there is good evidence - scientific via quantum theory and dark matter, philosophical, and theological - for the existence of another dimension and that further there is real evidence that entities of some sort live in that dimension and are able to be contacted in a variety of ways.
I realize that is a big step. Perhaps go read my book if you need more of a case to be made. But if you are not atheist you should at least be open to the idea (and even if you are atheist but hold to quantum theory and dark matter you should be open to it). And once you acknowledge the possibility then you should consider how it is that people throughout human history have claimed to have interacted with these entities.
Let’s suppose that there really are interdimensional entities. Call them angels. Call them demons. Call them elves. Or just call them aliens. But let’s suppose they exist. And let us suppose it is possible to contact them. Further, let’s suppose occult practices (mediumship, witchcraft, etc) at least in some cases are able to connect our own dimension with the other dimension.
Now… let’s get back to our question. A man sits at a machine and asks it to tell him a poem. It tells him a poem. He cries. Another man asks for a joke. It tells him a joke. He laughs. Another asks him to do a job for him. It does the job. He relaxes. Another tells the computer to insult an enemy. It insults his enemy. He gives a wicked smile.
But any computer programmer would say that AI is simply making choices dictated by the computer program. And this is true. But in the same way, a Ouija board is simply following the laws of physics. Perhaps neither contact the other dimension. But this again discounts the occult and the fact that it always uses the physical and the mundane.
But the question is whether an outside consciousness (demons) can use that vessel to influence the world. The whole idea of the occult is that you can use things from this world to contact the next. Often they do use complicated processes where the human mind can’t dictate the outcome. Things like Ouija boards, Tarot cards, psychedelic drugs, rhythmic dancing, etc. allow the occultist to disconnect himself from a controlling role and allow other forces to dictate the outcome. The atheist will always say these unpredictable outcomes are simply the result of chance and natural laws. But if we do not approach this like atheists we have to at least be open to the idea that some other entity might use the uncontrolled environment to let his voice be heard.
So is it possible that tech and AI could fit into this category?
Occult Origins - Tech and Psychedelics and Visions and Dreams
I have written in depth about how technology grew up next to the occult. I would invite the reader to go read that and come back. But perhaps a quick recap is needed.
We often think of science and the occult as opposites but in fact from the beginning they have overlapped, interacted, and practitioners of science have also been practitioners of the occult. For example, Alfred Russel Wallace known as a co-developer of the theory of natural selection would bring up spiritualism with anyone would listen. Pierre Curie, physicist and husband of Marie Curie, followed a medium around and believed in both her abilities and in the underlying claims of a spiritual realm containing entities. One of the pioneers of quantum physics, Wolfgang Ernst Pauli knew that the quantum physics he helped discover would return spiritualism to the world that was once ruled by atheistic and deterministic paradigms. Jack Parsons was one of the most influential figures in the history of the American space program, was one of the principal founders of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and also helped found the Aerojet Engineering Corporation. He also was part of a strange cult, took part in sex rituals, worshiped Egyptian deities, and incorporated a range of Eastern and Western Mysticism into his life. Another thinker who believed in the occult was the great Swiss psychologist and psychotherapist Carl Jung. Jung, who was friends with Pauli, had a life-long fascination with the occult. He believed in spirits and paranormal phenomena, and wrote scientific treatises on the subject. He researched parapsychology, astrology, alchemy, and spirit communication. And finally, CERN, the popular acronym for The European Organization for Nuclear Research (In French, Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire), operates the largest particle physics laboratory in the world and also has been involved in numerous strange pagan rituals including the grand opening for their Gotthard base tunnel (the longest and deepest in the world), in which they conducted a very strange and seemingly pagan opening ceremony. At one point in the ceremony, a topless woman wearing a bird head and wings was flown via cables over the heads of nine people dressed as construction workers (that represented actual workers that had been killed during the construction of the tunnel). In 2016, a video surfaced that showed people dressed in black cloaks in front of a statue of the Hindu deity Shiva that stands in the CERN courtyard (yes, a pagan idol stands in the courtyard) apparently stabbing a woman as part of a human sacrifice.
There is also a long list of scientists and tech leaders made their seminal discoveries while in trances or dreams. For example, In 1869 Dmitri Mendeleev developed and published the periodic table, where chemical elements are organized based on their atomic and chemical properties. He tells the story of how he discovered this breakthrough,
“I saw in a dream a table were all the elements fell into place as required. Awakening, I immediately wrote it down on a piece of paper, only in one place did a correction seem necessary.”
A more recent example is Larry Page, founder of Google, also discovered his breakthrough in a dream that he had in 1996. When he was a 22-year-old graduate student at Stanford, he was struck in the middle of the night with a vision: He had somehow managed to download the entire Web and just keep the links. He later said," When a really great dream shows up, grab it!”
Other examples of discoveries made in trances and dreams are: Niels Bohr (quantum physics), Friedrich August Kekulé (discovery of the structure of benzene), and René Descartes (analytical geometry).
In addition to dreams and occult practices, the role of psychedelics in the development of modern tech is remarkable and well documented. During the 1960s and 1970s, an organization called the International Foundation for Advanced Study conducted studies to determine if LSD could enhance creativity and problem-solving. They administered doses to engineers, architects, and scientists who were somehow “stuck” in their work on a particular project. Subjects reported increased abilities to visualize problems and determine solutions. This discovery was followed by many tech leaders utilizing these sorts of drugs for specifically this purpose. In his book, How to Change Your Mind, Michael Pollan has an excellent discussion on how the tech world used drugs to gain insights and help creativity. He writes,
“… the early computer engineers relied on LSD in designing circuit chips, especially in the years before they could be designed on computers. “You had to be able to visualize a staggering complexity in three dimensions, hold it all in your head. They found that LSD could help.”
Later he writes, “I know of one Bay Area tech company today that uses psychedelics in its management training.”
These certainly matches accounts from figures no less than Silicon Valley titans Steve Jobs and Bill Gates reporting LSD’s use and benefits. Steve Jobs once said that taking LSD was one of the "two or three most important things" he ever did in his life. “I have no words to explain the effect the LSD had on me, although, I can say it was a positive life changing experience for me and I am glad I went through that experience.” said Steve Jobs.
The role of psychedelic drugs in bringing technology as we know it is undeniable. It was frequently used, given credit by tech pioneers, and still used today. So if it is true that psychedelics help people contact the other dimension (as is my argument in “The Return of the Dragon”) it must be acknowledged that tech was in some ways born in that other dimension. So by dreams, visions, or psychedelic drugs, tech was born.
AI Creepy Results
Artificial intelligence has long been considered the future of technology. Since the 1960s, the creation of computers that are capable of learning has fascinated programmers and science fiction writers alike. Computers have managed to learn some things well. Computers can now win at trivia games like Jeopardy! and at board games like chess. But in recent years, computers have entered more creative fields like art, composition and conversation.
ChatGPT, Bing’s Chatbot, and Bard are now able to produce answers to questions that seem human. Ask the chatbot to compose a poem, it can compose a poem. Ask it to write an essay on World War II, it can compose an essay on World War II. Similarly, there are AI art generators such as Hotpot AI and DALL-E that can produce striking art with a series of prompts.
But something that has struck many people who have looked at much AI generated art is how creepy it seems. It might be beautiful in a dark way. The Colorado State Fair unknowingly gave an award to this piece.
And while it does have a certain shallow beauty to it, it also has a creepy aspect to it. Perhaps it is something like the uncanny valley phenomenon. But whatever the cause, it is not limited to this picture. Much of AI art has this dark feel. Consider this one.
At first glance, this looks like a photo but then you look at the hand. Six fingers. You look at the blond woman’s left side. Another hand? You look at her eyes. Something seems off. You look at the brunette’s neck. Something seems wrong. Creepy. Here is another.
Like a photo but…too many teeth. Weird skin blotches/bruises/tatoos. Six fingers again. We live in an era that (thankfully) is kind to people born with birth defects but many ancient cultures viewed people with too many fingers or strange markings as spiritually marked - often as demonic.
Which brings me to the story of Loab.
In April 2022, a Twitter user named Steph Maj Swanson (handle @supercomposite) posted a thread about a creepy finding using AI generated art. Swanson said these images were first generated using a technique of “negative prompt weights”. This method consists of giving a prompt with a minus 1 after it with the idea of finding the opposite of that thing. One day, Swanson was playing around with an AI art generator and somewhat randomly decided to do a negative prompt of the actor Marlon Brando. Swanson typed “Brando::-1”. The result came back with was described as a "skyline logo" with cryptic lettering. Swanson then did a negative prompt weight using the cryptic lettering found in that image, "DIGITA PNTICS skyline logo::-1". And then this yielded Loab. A series of “devastated-looking older woman with defined triangles of rosacea(?) on her cheeks".
The name "Loab," came from one of the images that looked like an album cover that included the printed word "loab" (see upper right hand image). Swanson then combined one of these images with an innocent looking image a friend had made and got “For reasons we can't fully explain, nightmares ensued.” Gory and violent images that I won’t post here (but the curious can find here) followed. Swanson then tried combining the image prompt with other phrases and words but the creepy woman remained distinctive, creepy, and haunting every image.
Now in the ancient world, conjuring a woman like this would be called black magic and the creepiness involved would make perfect sense given what was being done. But this is just a code right?
Before we talk about whether it is possible there is more than code going on with AI, I want to touch on one more potentially creepy aspect of AI. I first discovered this potential result of AI when talking with Martin Erlić a man who used AI to write a novel. In that discussion, he stated that he thought the future of AI was most likely that everyone would increasingly live in their own AI world. A man could have an AI girlfriend. Live in an AI generated meta-mansion. He could compete in sports against AI competitors. He could watch AI generated movies that perfectly match his tastes. He could create AI friends that share his sense of humor. No longer would we need to deal with the challenges of emotional and uncaring spouses. No longer would we have to deal with unreliable, boring, and needy friends. The future of AI would lead to a sort of utopia where we could (in some metaverse) live the exact life we want to live.
His statement struck me as true. It makes all the sense in the world that a well designed AI metaverse would allow us to get all the ‘positive’ things we get from interacting with other people (sex, laughs, companionship, wealth, etc) without the downsides (boringness, neediness, and unreliability). If AI gets good enough to truly simulate reality but crafted in anyway we wish, I think that Martin’s vision of what we would do with that is almost certainly true. We would choose the simulated over the real.
On some basic level, this might sound good. However anyone that has read a “Brave New World” by Aldous Huxley might pause a bit. A Brave New World is often labeled a dystopian novel but in many ways it could be said to be a utopian novel. It tells of a future state when everyone is happy, everyone is provided for, and everyone lives as they wish. But “A Brave New World” was not the book that came to my mind when I realized this was the most likely outcome of an all encompassing AI. “The Great Divorce” by C.S. Lewis was.
In “The Great Divorce,” Lewis tells the story of people who are asked to choose between heaven and hell. Those who choose heaven are forced to deal with a ultra real world with grass that will not yield to their feet, the reality of their own failings that can’t be just brushed aside even when they would prefer that they be forgotten, truths presented by people that they consider lower than themselves, and realities that do not match their expectations. But those who choose hell must do none of that. In Lewis’s vision, those who choose hell can do whatever they want. They have unlimited resources to build whatever house they want wherever they want. They can live close to others or separate from others at will.
But those who choose hell, tend not to live close to others. When they do, they realize how unpleasant the others can be. No longer needing other people for creature comforts (such as food, housing, clothing, income, etc.) other people increasingly become bothersome and unnecessary. The longer one stays in hell, the further one moves away from other people.
Lewis illustrates this ultimate state of separation with the great French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte. Napoleon, having been there for quite a long time, now lives millions of miles from all other people. Here are two people discussing Napoleon’s existence.
“He’d built himself a huge house all in the Empire style—rows of windows flaming with light, though it only shows as a pin prick from where I live.”
“Did they see Napoleon?”
“That’s right. They went up and looked through one of the windows. Napoleon was there all right.”
“What was he doing?”
“Walking up and down—up and down all the time—left-right, left-right—never stopping for a moment. The two chaps watched him for about a year and he never rested. And muttering to himself all the time. ‘It was Soult’s fault. It was Ney’s fault. It was Josephine’s fault. It was the fault of the Russians. It was the fault of the English.’ Like that all the time. Never stopped for a moment. A little, fat man and he looked kind of tired. But he didn’t seem able to stop it.”
Lewis shows that getting everything you want without any interaction with other people isn’t heaven, it is hell. Napoleon didn’t have to realize his own blame. He didn’t have to deal with Josephine or the Russians or the English. They were a million miles away. But the sadness and tiredness of his existence didn’t get better with distance. It grew. The human soul needs reality - unmoving and often unpleasant — to shape us into what we are built to be. The human soul without any correction moves to a hellish isolation.
And what is AI and the Metaverse if it is not this vision of hell?
Is it a coincidence that this technology with creepy origins and creepy manifestations in the world also happens to be building a foundation for the vision of hell painted by one of the 20th century’s foremost theological thinkers?
Could it be demonic?
Computer programmers laugh when one says that there could be anything spiritual going on. This is a code. It is literally just a computer following steps.
But isn’t that what atheists say about humans? About creation? On some level, couldn’t we say that everything is just mechanism? If you are a committed atheist, perhaps this is a good argument. [And without getting distracted here, I should note that I have written in depth in the past about how atheism is clearly wrong on this point.] But if you think that somehow humans contain some mix of embodiment and spirit even if the spirit cannot be seen, then why is it impossible that this could take place within the mechanical?
And if there are spirits with a particular antipathy towards humans, perhaps the mechanical would be a more comfortable place to be?
The Inevitability of AI Domination?
One last closing thought: does it matter? Many argue that the coming of AI is inevitable. It is already here in many ways. First, I would like to say that the inevitability argument is something that people pushing things no one really wants always promote. It was used by the industrialists as they paved the countryside with roads, parking lots, and factories. It was used by war mongers as they built bigger and bigger bombs to kill more and more people. It was used by Google and the Silicon Valley world as they worked to remove any sort of privacy and started recording our entire lives.
Inevitability is ridiculous of course. Technologies have been slowed and even stopped in the past. China famously discovered gun powder long before the West, had built a form of hand cannon, and could have had guns. Yet for a variety of structural, cultural, and conscious decisions the Chinese did not develop into the weaponry later developed by the West. Eugenics is certainly a practice that would work on paper (using selective breeding to make smarter, taller, faster, and more beautiful people) and yet the eugenics movement was rejected on moral grounds. Nuclear bombs, used once, have been limited and largely abandoned for the past 70 years (now even tests are largely absent from the world).
Saying something is inevitable is a way of saying, “I am going to do this and I don’t care that people don’t like it.” It is not a truth. Nothing is inevitable. If the world united to stop AI, we could. I am not predicting we will - but let’s stop with this old lie that because it is a new technology it is inevitable.
Lastly, even if AI is inevitable - even if it grows and expands in use - there is no reason for blind adoption. Imagine a future where atheists sit in the metaverse creating their own world full of fake women, fake friends, and fake mansions while Christians sit in real communities having real families, real communities, and building real things in the real world. This vision is possible.
If you are a Christian, you worship a God that created hard things-things that do not move when you tell them to move. Grass that pushes against your feet. Wives that don’t do everything you ask them. Children that don’t do what you say. And God called it all good. Why do things not move when we tell them to? Because sometimes we need to move not the world. Unless you think you are perfect, sometimes it is you that needs to change. God created a world that changes us. AI created a world that changes for us. Whether or not you believe in demons or their interaction with AI, you must recognize that these two worlds are opposed to one another. The only question is whether we follow the world of God that refuses to conform to us or the world of our own creation (or the creation of other entities) that does conform to us.
[Update April 2023: Just to add to some of the creepy results of AI, there was a recent story reported by Slay that detailed how a chatbot had apparently persuaded a man to kill himself.]
[Update November 2023: Hasbro rolled out an AI Powered Ouija Board in the fall of 2023 and tweeted on November 3, 2023, “Spirits, let’s play 👻🔮 Dive into a new dimension with the AI-powered #ouija board. Access to the spirit realm is open through Wednesday …”
Augustine and other church fathers have much to tell our science worshipping society about evil powers and demons. According to Augustine, these beings cannot be seen by our eyes because of their great speed. Nor can we hear them because they operate on a higher frequency.
That said, if we move outside of empiricism and materialism to yoga, a hugely popular movement throughout Western and American civilization, we'll find demons.
The very popular Tantra Kundalini yoga is based on the occultic chakra system which teaches that universal evolutionary energy (Kundalini Shakti, the Supreme Power; serpent power) is coiled at the base of the spine and flows through human beings and all of creation, uniting everything above and everything below, thus acknowledging divinity in all things and all people. Through strenuous yoga and other occult techniques outlined in ancient and modern texts, Kundalini Shakti uncoils and rises through seven “chakras” or power centers within the human body. During so-called kundalini arousal, which may last for months or even years, protracted insanity and demonization must be endured. In the words of power yogi Muktananda:
“I was assailed by all sorts of perverse and defiling emotions…my breathing(became) disturbed…my abdomen would swell with air…my mind was sick with fear(my) thoughts became confused, meaningless. My limbs and body got hotter and hotter…Then I felt a searing pain…I wanted to run away, but my legs were locked tight in the lotus posture…Then…a moonlike sphere…came floating in (it) struck against my eyes and. passed inside me…I was terrified (but) still locked in the lotus posture (with) my head forced down and glued to the ground…. I started to make a sound like a camel, which alternated with the roaring of a tiger (I went) completely insane (and jumped and hopped) like a frog (while) my limbs (shook) violently.(Later) I learned that this was a Hatha Yoga process effected by the Goddess Kundalini in order for Her to move up through the spinal column into the sahasrana(upper psychic center.)“ (Play of Consciousness, Swami Muktananda, pp. 75-81, 84-85, 88-89)
With continued practice, surrender, and preparation, one day the kundalini current (possessing demon) will reach full voltage and there will no longer be anyone home but an unholy spirit residing in an empty shell of a body:
“The moment of power transfer had come….Muktananda (adept of Nityananda) was about to make the timeless journey…. of the power yogi (the Siddha), but it required the catalytic power of the master guru, Nityananda…who was God to Muktananda, therefore worthy of worship as the supreme Deity. The voyage of consciousness, prized by the ancients, would split Muktananda into fragments…Sometimes (his) body would writhe and twist like a snake’s while a hissing sound would come from inside (him).” Finally it happened – explosion, the point of no return where Muktananda “as an individual would be obliterated. Superconscious states would take control of him, and his consciousness would be kicked out to more and more remote levels.” “In place of the former person was the walking void, the Unself, the hollow shell filled with the soul of the universe…” (Riders of the Cosmic Circuit, Tal Brooke, pp. 36-45)
Yoga is an occult technique that originated in the Orient. Common denominators of Eastern mysticism, Wicca, contemporary Luciferian Theosophy, and occult spiritual New Age are spiritistic or animistic backgrounds resulting in the development of psychic powers and contact with demons, or familiar spirits.
One last comment: the moonlike sphere that passed inside Muktananda is a common shape seen and reported on in the UAP community.
Ever since I saw some of the stuff generative AI would come up with, seemingly unprompted, I've began to wonder about the "ghost in the machine." You're not the only person suggesting the ghost may be demons.
BTW- THS seems quite prescient in this discussion! (things are really picking up now in the story, thanks for encouraging me to read on!)