Augustine and other church fathers have much to tell our science worshipping society about evil powers and demons. According to Augustine, these beings cannot be seen by our eyes because of their great speed. Nor can we hear them because they operate on a higher frequency.
That said, if we move outside of empiricism and materialism to yoga, a hugely popular movement throughout Western and American civilization, we'll find demons.
The very popular Tantra Kundalini yoga is based on the occultic chakra system which teaches that universal evolutionary energy (Kundalini Shakti, the Supreme Power; serpent power) is coiled at the base of the spine and flows through human beings and all of creation, uniting everything above and everything below, thus acknowledging divinity in all things and all people. Through strenuous yoga and other occult techniques outlined in ancient and modern texts, Kundalini Shakti uncoils and rises through seven “chakras” or power centers within the human body. During so-called kundalini arousal, which may last for months or even years, protracted insanity and demonization must be endured. In the words of power yogi Muktananda:
“I was assailed by all sorts of perverse and defiling emotions…my breathing(became) disturbed…my abdomen would swell with air…my mind was sick with fear(my) thoughts became confused, meaningless. My limbs and body got hotter and hotter…Then I felt a searing pain…I wanted to run away, but my legs were locked tight in the lotus posture…Then…a moonlike sphere…came floating in (it) struck against my eyes and. passed inside me…I was terrified (but) still locked in the lotus posture (with) my head forced down and glued to the ground…. I started to make a sound like a camel, which alternated with the roaring of a tiger (I went) completely insane (and jumped and hopped) like a frog (while) my limbs (shook) violently.(Later) I learned that this was a Hatha Yoga process effected by the Goddess Kundalini in order for Her to move up through the spinal column into the sahasrana(upper psychic center.)“ (Play of Consciousness, Swami Muktananda, pp. 75-81, 84-85, 88-89)
With continued practice, surrender, and preparation, one day the kundalini current (possessing demon) will reach full voltage and there will no longer be anyone home but an unholy spirit residing in an empty shell of a body:
“The moment of power transfer had come….Muktananda (adept of Nityananda) was about to make the timeless journey…. of the power yogi (the Siddha), but it required the catalytic power of the master guru, Nityananda…who was God to Muktananda, therefore worthy of worship as the supreme Deity. The voyage of consciousness, prized by the ancients, would split Muktananda into fragments…Sometimes (his) body would writhe and twist like a snake’s while a hissing sound would come from inside (him).” Finally it happened – explosion, the point of no return where Muktananda “as an individual would be obliterated. Superconscious states would take control of him, and his consciousness would be kicked out to more and more remote levels.” “In place of the former person was the walking void, the Unself, the hollow shell filled with the soul of the universe…” (Riders of the Cosmic Circuit, Tal Brooke, pp. 36-45)
Yoga is an occult technique that originated in the Orient. Common denominators of Eastern mysticism, Wicca, contemporary Luciferian Theosophy, and occult spiritual New Age are spiritistic or animistic backgrounds resulting in the development of psychic powers and contact with demons, or familiar spirits.
One last comment: the moonlike sphere that passed inside Muktananda is a common shape seen and reported on in the UAP community.
Ever since I saw some of the stuff generative AI would come up with, seemingly unprompted, I've began to wonder about the "ghost in the machine." You're not the only person suggesting the ghost may be demons.
BTW- THS seems quite prescient in this discussion! (things are really picking up now in the story, thanks for encouraging me to read on!)
Augustine and other church fathers have much to tell our science worshipping society about evil powers and demons. According to Augustine, these beings cannot be seen by our eyes because of their great speed. Nor can we hear them because they operate on a higher frequency.
That said, if we move outside of empiricism and materialism to yoga, a hugely popular movement throughout Western and American civilization, we'll find demons.
The very popular Tantra Kundalini yoga is based on the occultic chakra system which teaches that universal evolutionary energy (Kundalini Shakti, the Supreme Power; serpent power) is coiled at the base of the spine and flows through human beings and all of creation, uniting everything above and everything below, thus acknowledging divinity in all things and all people. Through strenuous yoga and other occult techniques outlined in ancient and modern texts, Kundalini Shakti uncoils and rises through seven “chakras” or power centers within the human body. During so-called kundalini arousal, which may last for months or even years, protracted insanity and demonization must be endured. In the words of power yogi Muktananda:
“I was assailed by all sorts of perverse and defiling emotions…my breathing(became) disturbed…my abdomen would swell with air…my mind was sick with fear(my) thoughts became confused, meaningless. My limbs and body got hotter and hotter…Then I felt a searing pain…I wanted to run away, but my legs were locked tight in the lotus posture…Then…a moonlike sphere…came floating in (it) struck against my eyes and. passed inside me…I was terrified (but) still locked in the lotus posture (with) my head forced down and glued to the ground…. I started to make a sound like a camel, which alternated with the roaring of a tiger (I went) completely insane (and jumped and hopped) like a frog (while) my limbs (shook) violently.(Later) I learned that this was a Hatha Yoga process effected by the Goddess Kundalini in order for Her to move up through the spinal column into the sahasrana(upper psychic center.)“ (Play of Consciousness, Swami Muktananda, pp. 75-81, 84-85, 88-89)
With continued practice, surrender, and preparation, one day the kundalini current (possessing demon) will reach full voltage and there will no longer be anyone home but an unholy spirit residing in an empty shell of a body:
“The moment of power transfer had come….Muktananda (adept of Nityananda) was about to make the timeless journey…. of the power yogi (the Siddha), but it required the catalytic power of the master guru, Nityananda…who was God to Muktananda, therefore worthy of worship as the supreme Deity. The voyage of consciousness, prized by the ancients, would split Muktananda into fragments…Sometimes (his) body would writhe and twist like a snake’s while a hissing sound would come from inside (him).” Finally it happened – explosion, the point of no return where Muktananda “as an individual would be obliterated. Superconscious states would take control of him, and his consciousness would be kicked out to more and more remote levels.” “In place of the former person was the walking void, the Unself, the hollow shell filled with the soul of the universe…” (Riders of the Cosmic Circuit, Tal Brooke, pp. 36-45)
Yoga is an occult technique that originated in the Orient. Common denominators of Eastern mysticism, Wicca, contemporary Luciferian Theosophy, and occult spiritual New Age are spiritistic or animistic backgrounds resulting in the development of psychic powers and contact with demons, or familiar spirits.
One last comment: the moonlike sphere that passed inside Muktananda is a common shape seen and reported on in the UAP community.
Ever since I saw some of the stuff generative AI would come up with, seemingly unprompted, I've began to wonder about the "ghost in the machine." You're not the only person suggesting the ghost may be demons.
BTW- THS seems quite prescient in this discussion! (things are really picking up now in the story, thanks for encouraging me to read on!)