Re. your imagery, also note (with entirely different intent and Christian-evocative *positive* lyrics):


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Good stuff! As a former consultant to many in Sili-Valley, I urge you to keep going along these lines—with eyes fixed above, on Christ. There are many more creepy-crawlies there than most people imagine. The fact that the inventor/purveyors of these technologies dismiss any larger significance for them is itself a big ‘tell’. Satan disguises himself as an angel of light, writes the Apostle Paul; therefore, he continues, we should expect that his minions will also dissemble. (See, e.g., 1st Corinthians 11:13-15 & Ephesians 6:12.)

“Innocuous" is a flat-out lie; they keep their own kids away from them! “Coincidental" is a necessary out-working of their godless worldview. Under the sovereign God, there is no such thing as true chance. (See e.g., Heb 1:3, or Prvbs 16:33 & 21:2.) Some serve the enemy with fuller awareness of who he is and what he’s about, but preferring the juicy-steak eat-drink-and-be-merry pyramid-dominating wide-asleep “blue pill” in the meantime. (IMHO, in these elite circles, the classic soul-selling crossroads devil’s-bargain trope is a lot more real, common, and explicit than most people think.)

But most simply repeat lies they regard as small-t truth because they—and the society they live in—hate The Truth who is Christ. To get along in it with more lies is easier than getting burned at the stake. (I can’t help but think of Jack Nicholson’s line: “You want the truth? You can’t handle the Truth!”) They too are willfully self-deceived, thus accountable, but in a different way than say, the members of Led Zep, who went in with occult eyes wide shut. (See, e.g., 2nd Thess 2:8-12, Rom 1:18-33, & John 14:6.)

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