Sep 23Liked by Lewis Ungit

With stories of people having "bad trips" where they feel they are experiencing torture in hell for thousands of years saying it felt like it was actually real and there for that long; it would be insane to want to risk that.

Then people in this drug cult say in the comments to these horror stories: "that just means you still have healing to do on your journey, maaann."

Often say it's a reflection of their own "shadow" and the plant goddess is there to heal them of it, so they have to go down and deal with the hell within them and take the poison out to heal.

I'm like, no those are demons bro. They are torturing you with visions of the hell they know that's up ahead for them and trying to drag you down with them into it.

15 years later I still have panic attacks I'm in hell from stupid shrooms. So even as I love Jesus and study the Bible, I have to always have this fear in my mind that gnosticism stuff is true because of those demonic delusions when I was a dumb kid. That the demiurge is real and I'm trapped here forever in a hell that slowly gets worse and worse for eternity.

In other words, psychedelics can do long term psychological damage you are stuck with for life, a false vision can appear so real it will always be in the back of your mind "what if that psychotic nightmare vision I saw was true reality." I get that wave of panic a few times a week, every week of my life, and the worse this clown world gets, the more I fear it's true.

God bless you for warning everyone Lewis, Christ be with you.

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"We've lost several really good founders to ayahuasca."

I can't remember if you ever mentioned reading the scifi works of Philip K Dick, but in the dedication of one of his books he mentions something similar.

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man you are right to warn people about the dangers of consuming psychedelics as if they were therapeutic magic wands, but in this case we have to be precise, it is not ayahuasca but kambo ceremony, the absorption of the venom of a toxic frog to purge the body, something that has been fashionable for around ten years and which often accompanies the taking of ayahuasca.

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Sep 24·edited Sep 24Author

Yes. I posted a correction yesterday on that (see the end of the article). The video was posted on X with the description of Ayahuasca Journey so it wasn't a lack of precision on my part but the original poster. With that being said, Ayahuasca Journeys often do include going to spend time with South American tribes in the Amazonn and do involve throwing up (although usually they are done at night) so it is not far off and all the comments that I referenced were about Ayahuasca not Kambo (as that is what the video was titled). And it was these comments that I think are the most fascinating and terrifying aspect of this whole thing as people describe how this drug devastated their lives.

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